Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mounts: an idea enyclopedia

So as of now mounts are simply a way to travel distances quicker they all have the same standard boost of speed of 40% [( in exception to one day rentals which go half that speed), there are also mounts owned by KI staff which go 100% speed but nobody can get those... except KI].  so here is what i propose to the world, a mount purchasee gets a mount at baby that would give a 20% movement speed increase, but could be trained up to 65%. training would be similar to pet training with stats and such but there would also be a few key differences, 1. mounts have equipment slots for their head, mane, saddle and hooves. they would have a skill tree that lead to different aspects, such as capability to perform underwater, tighter turns and higher endurance. the reason for all this is because i figured since pets can come with you into battle why not mounts? the mounts would increase your health, stats and have rare armor to collect for them. i made a sample of what a mount could be like if this were to happen:

i know its pretty bad (the picture) but bare with me.

so waht do you guys think? and tell me if i should change the backround, i know i have had it for 6-7 months.


  1. Oh, good youre back! I thoight you werent coming back forwever! I missed your blog. Welcome back, Matthew!-Thunderblade
    Ps, your mount idea is a great idea!

  2. LOVE it! Hope it comes true!
