note: skip over this next paragraph if you don't want to hear my philosophizing about internet socialization.
what i have noticed as a recurring theme in socialization on Wizard101, FB, etc. etc. is that most people often use phrases such as lol and xD to break the awkward tension surrounding a conversation so that they feel normal and stay true to the pattern of the attitude of the people around them, but recently i am have been seeing people say these phrases every other sentence in the worst cases. These people are frequently having to break the stagnant ice of awkwardness hence the title regenerating ice. If you were able to stick through that paragraph to the end then i applaud you, for i was starting to lose myself.
on a more comical note,
i saw a strange item in the cr0wns $hop today, it looked like the main piece of unique backround stuff of the larger krok house, and it was for sale for 1250 crowns:
if anyone has bought this, could you comment and describe what it is, how big it is and maybe provide a picture?
itll be on my blog soon