Monday, November 22, 2010

myth spell #2 troll

sorry its one day late guys:

Ah troll, a beast so firmly rooted in myth we sometimes forget it is so ancient because of one of the newest memes calling someone a troll. a troll has had many forms and descriptions through the years, ranging from 10 foot tall beasts with tusks and a menacing look to human sized creatures with floppy ears and a puzzled look upon their faces. Most of the time they carry some form of crude weapon like a club, tree trunk or lamppost (modern times games, long story). The first people who portrayed trolls were the Old Scandinavian people describing trolls as vast, ugly, hairy giants or ogres with an evil intention. Next to mention trolls were ancient Greeks, as large stupid beasts who were quite strong, yet easily outsmarted. The Romans followed a similar path, giving them big droopy noses, an anguished look on their faces and swinging wildly at anything that moved. Then talk of trolls ceases for what I know (I am writing this right now on a word document without internet connection so all of this is what I can remember and just know in general about said beasts.) and they are mentioned here and there scattered over places and times where things that resemble trolls are mentioned. Some of these cultures are Aborigines, Inuit and Iqaluit.

Now, to the spell. I found that troll was easily capable of one hit killing most of the monsters in wizard city without even being powered up. There are examples of some creatures, that when powered up with a myth trap can be killed by troll. Some examples of this is the scarlet screamer, cyclops centurion, elf pathfinder and skeletal warrior. There are only 2 creatures in all of normal Wizard City (not including sunken city I mean) that a powered up troll cannot kill in one hit. These are the field guards who have quite a large amount of health for wizard city creatures (395) and War horns because of their mid-high health coupled with myth resist. Progressing into Krok they can wound or kill most of the creatures in the pyramid of the sun and some creatures in the Kroksphinx. After this they start to lose their importance and usefulness but they do serve well for finishing moves when a wand isn't strong enough.

Final summation (its from a funny guy on youtube, another long story):

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