Sunday, November 7, 2010

OMGosh and myth strategy

I was just at some massive palace thing and i saw someone who had over 4,000 health! it was ice obviously but still! it used to be that wizards were so outnumbered in terms of health but here in Celestia i am finding that the wizards are getting more health faster then the monsters! i immediately added this wizard because she was nice as well but here it is:
incredible huh?

also for today
i will start something today which i saw on another blog and i think it is quite helpful. i will be making the myth version of this death school thing every week on sunday.

so now you know certain days have certain meanings. so far you know this much:
So the first segment of:

So, i will have a way that each section on a spell will be laid out. it will go something like this:

Name  card picture

 short mythological summary of the creature; how the creature has been portrayed in various myths.

uses/ functionality: other then its initial use how useful is it truly. 

overall good card scale.  the cards moving on will gradually have more uses as the spell line progresses but there may be some exceptions where they are particularly not useful or very useful. 

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